Holidays in Sardinia

Sardinia is another thing


Sardinia is another thing” wrote D. H. Lawrence. There is no more accurate summary to describe the island. Sardinia is a world of its own. More than a hundred kilometers away from the Peninsula, and every kilometer is a bit of history, culture and traditions that the region has managed to preserve over time thanks to its remote.

But in spite of this, Sardinia in time was a landmark of peoples from all over the world: Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Spaniards, each one traced its passage.

Art and architecture are the words Sardinia tells about this millennial history. Archaeological sites, churches, hypogeums, statues and frescoes are his alphabet. The hinterland is an open book, with a long story to tell. Who stops at the coast, incredibly beautiful, just stops at the cover. It is up to the traveler to browse the pages and realize that Sardinia is much more.